I'm back to using XSI, after quite a hiatus. I was using blender to try and model a mosquito; I felt that it was successful but then I looked around a bit and found that I wasn't satisfied with the edge flow.
I found a great resource though, in my travels.
zoomy. Since I found it I've explored it a bit and found that aside from the directly applicable resources that its a enjoyable site to explore.
So anyway- I've decided to try and do the mosquito in XSI, so posting here again. I'm still having trouble with the edges. I can't decide whether or not the edges are harder or easier to place with a mosquito head/ human head. I have access to specimens of mosquitos and I will soon try to draw the mosquito head.
One of the problems that I have encountered is a lack of multiple views for the mosquito head. Obviously since its not nearly as common to model one of these as a human head this is sensible. Since I have the oportunity to draw one I naturally have a solution available. Unfortunately photos would likely be harder to obtain.