Spent alot of time tweaking things: I'm using the automatic mode for Final Gathering (softimage 2010)...Scene File (current) forum thread
Render Options
- Number of rays, points
- played with sampling contrast a bit
- changed the maximum sample normal deviation
- started to freeze the map, render then render faster
- picked up (on xsibase_user"maxsi77") Kobayashi's addon for Physical Sun/Sky with Photo Exposure
- started rendering at a much lower Anti-Aliasing
- Played with Sample Filtering (Framebuffer tab) Gauss/Mitchell _back to Triangle, Filter Size 1-4
- Shadows, currently segmented
Physical Sun/Sky/Photographic Exposure
using the mia architectural shaders for the room -standard grey-subtle blue for the windows - Adjusted the multiplier value (drastically different values, with Kobayashi's Addon {.01-1})
- Thinking that at some point I should add some "Haze"
- Have to bump up the samples for the light. Should get a crisper image.
Portal Lights
- Three Light Boxes
- Visibility on (was getting an error that the lights had to be VISIBLE)
- Added an exponential falloff to the Portal light
- bumped samples up to 5,5 (area tab)
- Shadows on umbra 0
- Indirect Illumination Tab__ adjusted repeatedly the Radiance, Ray Multiplier, and Additional Multiplier settings.

A typical session