
even more...

Spent alot of time tweaking things: I'm using the automatic mode for Final Gathering (softimage 2010)...
Scene File (current) forum thread
Render Options
  • Number of rays, points
  • played with sampling contrast a bit
  • changed the maximum sample normal deviation
  • started to freeze the map, render then render faster
  • picked up (on xsibase_user"maxsi77") Kobayashi's addon for Physical Sun/Sky with Photo Exposure
  • started rendering at a much lower Anti-Aliasing
  • Played with Sample Filtering (Framebuffer tab) Gauss/Mitchell _back to Triangle, Filter Size 1-4
  • Shadows, currently segmented
Physical Sun/Sky/Photographic Exposure
  • Adjusted the multiplier value (drastically different values, with Kobayashi's Addon {.01-1})
  • Thinking that at some point I should add some "Haze"
  • Have to bump up the samples for the light. Should get a crisper image.
Portal Lights

  • Three Light Boxes
  • Visibility on (was getting an error that the lights had to be VISIBLE)
  • Added an exponential falloff to the Portal light
  • bumped samples up to 5,5 (area tab)
  • Shadows on umbra 0
using the mia architectural shaders for the room -standard grey-subtle blue for the windows
  • Indirect Illumination Tab__ adjusted repeatedly the Radiance, Ray Multiplier, and Additional Multiplier settings.
Last Render done::


A typical session


alternate project

I'm trying my hand at arch-viz.

nice room I saw, here's a try at modeling it.

this is after about a month of work here and there.
... some things to mention are: its very difficult to place and create the moldings because of the angles in this model, the lighting shown is without any lighting enhancements although it took a good 5 minutes to render.

I am pleased with the progress on the moldings so far, and the room is beginning to look complete.


Here are some more progress pictures (render regions) of the mosquito head. It has some basics coloring and hair. The first is the subdivided model and the second is with no subdivisions for perusal.


some shots of the new mosqiuto head



I'm back to using XSI, after quite a hiatus. I was using blender to try and model a mosquito; I felt that it was successful but then I looked around a bit and found that I wasn't satisfied with the edge flow.

I found a great resource though, in my travels. zoomy. Since I found it I've explored it a bit and found that aside from the directly applicable resources that its a enjoyable site to explore.

So anyway- I've decided to try and do the mosquito in XSI, so posting here again. I'm still having trouble with the edges. I can't decide whether or not the edges are harder or easier to place with a mosquito head/ human head. I have access to specimens of mosquitos and I will soon try to draw the mosquito head.

One of the problems that I have encountered is a lack of multiple views for the mosquito head. Obviously since its not nearly as common to model one of these as a human head this is sensible. Since I have the oportunity to draw one I naturally have a solution available. Unfortunately photos would likely be harder to obtain.