
more pictures (building) improvement

The image above is the result of a couple of days of fiddling with the settings on the scene, right now I am rendering a new one with some changes.

:: above image, some of the settings I adjusted are; the power of the physical sky multiplier which, due to the kobayashi pluggin, is connected via an expression to the multiplier of the physical sun. I am using the architectural shaders for almost all of the surfaces in the scene; I adjusted the ray multiplier of the concrete which is on the ceiling and the floor, as well as much adjustment on the windows: the reflectivity, the reflectivity color, the cutout opacity but so far have avoided using my own settings for BDRF. I have repeatedly adjusted the spots to get them where I want them, they should be very week in comparison to the sun I think. All and all this experience is crying for more reading on the subject.::

  • The biggest hurdle seems to be to get the windows on the left to look like the windows on the right. They are at different angles so the reflectivity is different. It looks to me like the windows on the right aren't even there.
  • The color of the exterior environment is off, it should be blue sky and brown ground.... not sure what to do there, because the sky/sun is set very low.
  • The "cans" in the ceiling are not lit by the spot which sit inside them
The image to the left is the most recent render, the cans are slightly brighter and the spots are more diffuse.


another past project

this image I think has too much sun, but the way the light is falling is nice inside. This is an image from the interior of the building below-started as a project I had at Bergen County College.

to the right is the image I generated previously but the glass was to reflective...



Hidden line for the previous post,


Back to the cell phone

I returned to a project that I have worked on multiple times in the past, each time I think I improve... I might finish this time.

Render: Image preview, soft 2011, 3 lights (2 point, 1 infinte) ambient occlusion on the phong ambient port ( main body) and lambert ambient port ( lens backdrop)

for reference::
post on si-community.com


a pointless profusion of images

added stairwells, and lights in the atrium..
with physical sun/sky and the attenuation (exponent 2) the lights have to be absurdly bright (can you say ~300000 units) ---settling on 350000.
realistic light settings I suppose--speaking of which I should probably read something about this.


a variety of images of this growing building.



checking back into past work

redid a project from BCC.


More (wings)

worked some on the wings although they are hard to catch in the above image.

This is a nymph so the wings are not mature yet.
working on the 'root' of the wings now. the horn looking thing in the middle.



worked on the pattern on the tail, not done.

working on the bump, created with procedural textures.

one thing I just noticed is that with this bump, the anti-aliasing has to be set quite high.



more work

MOre Abuse

Some images of the abuse I have perpetrated;

:: its a actually working

:: something of a diagram to describe the workflow

current render


ABUSE of Softimage

speaking of abuse look at this mess I've made of the interface


more work on the grasshopper:
Doing the spikes on its back; These are
outlined in green in the Hidden Line Removal image to the right. I had to model these because they were too big to bump map. Then I unwrapped the mesh with the
Render>Property>Texture Project
ion> Unfold
set some things, actually no, I didn't set anything pressed unfold and opened up the texture editor. Did
Edit>Stamp UV Mesh

and then saved it as a targa (not sure if this makes a difference), opened it up in GIMP and proceeded to paint where the bumps were (below)
I then used the top of the two layers and applied it back to the back of the model. I'm sure there is a better way to do this.




New work, on a knife I have,modeling it in the hopes that
I can put it up on turbosquid to sell.

the lighting is simple and probably incomplete,
I used one point light and one spot,

One ambient occlusion pass and one diffuse:
simple blinn material for the knife.

Still learning about maps and materials, have to FINISH this, maybe do some research.



another project...

this is my attempt to model a phymateus nymph. From a book I have, I just have one view but I was pretty happy with the progress until I started the hind leg there.

Phymateus=exotic grasshopper.